Weight Training remedy for diabetes and bloo sugar control

Photo of woman flexing muscles.Why Do Strength Training?

Because you have diabetes, you know how important it is to control your blood sugar. Strength training helps. Simple moves done regularly can prompt your muscles to absorb more glucose. You'll also burn more calories, day and night, as you get stronger. Your mood, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure may improve, too.
Photo of woman exercising.

Let's Get Started!

Most people with diabetes can work out safely. Ask your doctor first to be sure. You should aim for strength training at least twice a week. Also do heart-pumping cardio exercise -- like jogging, swimming, and biking -- either 5 days a week for 30 minutes each time or 3 days for 50 minutes each. Stretch a bit afterward to become more flexible. Want a solid routine or tips on technique? Check with a certified trainer.

Photo of resistance training gear.Your Strength Training Routine

Get ready to learn 10 at-home exercises that work your major muscle groups. For each one, begin with one set where you do the move 8-15 times, or "reps." Rest for at least 30 seconds before you do the next exercise. Start with resistance bands or light dumbbells, so you can focus on lifting and lowering the weights with smooth, controlled movements. When you can do two or three sets easily, switch to slightly heavier weights.

Photo of biceps curl.Upper Body: Standing Biceps Curl

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your palms facing your thighs. Squeeze your biceps as you lift the weights. On the way up, your forearm should rotate so your palms end up facing your shoulders at the top. Lower the weights slowly to the starting position. Try to avoid using momentum on the way down. Control the motion from start to finish.

Photo of triceps exercise.

Upper Body: Triceps Extension

Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other, and hold a single dumbbell with both hands wrapped around the handle. Slowly raise the dumbbell overhead. Straighten your elbows as you raise the weight toward the ceiling. Slowly bend your elbows and lower the weight behind your head. Keep your upper arms still and vertical to the floor. Keep your shoulder blades down and back as you repeat.

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